Landscape Construction

Whether you're looking for complete landscaping services, including planning and installation, or want to upgrade the current features of your landscaping, State Stone is here to provide the perfect solution. Get in touch with us now for a FREE consultation so we can provide a solution tailored just for you. Landscape construction is divided into two key areas, hardscaping and softscaping.
Hardscaping is used to describe various hardscape materials, such as concrete, bricks, stone, and other manufactured materials. Hardscape can be tough or as "hard" yet movable parts in the landscape - like gravel, paving, or stones. Compared to softscapes, hardscapes are inanimate objects, solid and unchanging. Other examples can include retaining walls, outdoor kitchens, water features, gazebos, and even a driveway be considered hardscape. It can be natural - such as stone - or manmade, like an outdoor structure. Typically, Hardscape materials will also have different effects on the environment. Pavement prevents water from soaking into the soil, thus increasing runoff, which can carry contaminants into streams. Porous materials allow water to soak into the soil.
Softscaping is used to describe landscaping that incorporates natural elements like plants, grasses, and flowers. Softscape features should be thought of as "soft" horticultural components of the landscape - components that are living or growing actively. This can include trees, flowers, shrubs, etc. Softscapes typically change and evolve constantly, making them a beautiful addition to any landscape. They grow and adapt to climate and other weather conditions as well. Softscapes are quite literally softer to the touch.
Get Started with State Stone & Masonry
Whether you're looking for complete landscaping services, including planning and installation, or simply want to upgrade the current features of your landscaping, State Stone is here to provide the perfect solution. Get in touch with us now for a FREE consultation so we can provide a solution tailored just for you.
New England’s weather can be tough on a home’s landscape - hard or soft. Our professional approach, combining quality materials and intelligent design, means we can construct a landscape that will last for years and offer your family a beautiful outdoor living space. For new landscape construction, additions, repairs, or maintenance for existing hardscapes and softscapes, call State Stone & Masonry today for a free consultation at 781-621-8661 or use the form to send us a message.